Glass Skin

2 min readJun 4, 2023



I want glass skin. Smooth, shiny, clear, flawless, bright, glass skin. All the girls and celebrities have obtained this pristine look. Despite my efforts, my skin has been plagued with cursed hormonal acne that makes it closer to the feeling and look of sandpaper and volcanic craters.

Given that prom is in a couple of days, I have never felt a deeper longing to have glass skin. The most important day of my life will be forever immortalized in my future by the perfect dress, hairstyle, makeup, and skin. I have my dress and hair figured out, but my skin seems like a little bit of a harder task. Last week, I had gone to the store and picked up all the recommended products for glass skin but I am not seeing any progress.

I have one more day and glass skin is the only thing I can think of. Everywhere I look, glass — glass windows, glass doors, glass tables, glass skin. As I am completing my final assignment of the term, the glass of water sitting on my desk catches my eye: glass. So clear and smooth to an unfair perfection.

In a trance, my eyes are locked and I am unable to look away. I find my tongue licking my lips as I reach for the cup. I can see my pink blotchy fingers through the shiny sides as they grip the glass. Bringing the smooth lips to mine, my eyes widen and I suddenly loosen my hold. In unison, the crash scatters the glass across my room floor as a mosaic of blinding sparkles, of glass panes.

I get on my knees and sweep the floors with my cupped palms. My fingers blossom with clean slits but I couldn’t be bothered, my eyes are locked with the perfect clear shards. My grip tightens and I find myself shoving the shrapnel down my throat. The chimes fill my ears as my teeth grind down on the pieces of perfection. Like glitter, my tongue, my gums, and my lips are consumed. As I look down, my hands are adorned with glass—glass skin. I gather the remaining bits and, with my eyes shut, close the gap to my face. Small pains for a lifetime of beauty. Slowly, I let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. I had done it.

I get up and, as a prophecy, I follow the red carpet down the halls with my head tilted to the sky. I have glass skin. My lips glistened as their corners curled— I am pristine, I am glass through and through.

